our family 2010

our family 2010

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

New family pictures to come!!!

just waiting for the photographer to give them to me!2010 family picture done! that was my 10th family picture!so cool!My picture wall is expending!

Sunday, August 22, 2010


wow!This is a weird post but i feel inspired to write this. I am so feeling in love lately with Jared thatjust had to write it down.After ups and downs i can definitly say that if you persist, it pays off!Jared and I are at our best .We are feeling some changes will be happening for our family and we are excited.Its amazing how children can feel when their parents truly love each other.Any improvement in the love department between a couple makes a huge difference with the children.I am so grateful for the gospel and for the atonment of christ that just helps us better ourselves. An eternal perspective is everything!I love my family!

Monday, August 9, 2010

fun with the Nelson's

So sunday right after sacrament, we drove back to Santa Monica to go and cheer for Luky, He was playing at a festival and since we don't see as often now since he tours we decided to go hang out!Christian loves his big cousins and never get enough of them!Lucky was kind enough to smile for me on this shot!thank you!
Now here is Christian with luke's brother Micah, christian thinks that micah makes the best silly faces.. and he is right!

and again

and this one is daring making to touch his shoulder with his tongue...

yep.... they are related!Aunt Annie was there too, we hang at there house for a bit and chatted.Will was of course on the road again(ahahaha) but hey hanging out with the Nelson's is always a blast!

Fun on the Santa Monica pier

I love where i live!Where get you have the best weather, be on a beach on a pier holding an attraction parck with some great food?Yes here in Santa Monica, on the pier ... i took pictures from the fairestwheel(not sure f the spelling) it amazing, i love the ocean!
The view was just breathtaking, my kids had a blast and it was the perfect day!

California is the best. no matter what people say, it is the best.
I love being here.its $$$$$ but well worth it!

all this on the pier, everyone has seen this.. its like on every movie!

that picture was taken from the highest point, i almost threw up taking this shot... jared was laughing at me......ah!ah! ah! not funny.... but hey i am a trooper!I enjoyed this day with jared and my three munchkins.I loved hw relaxed the atmosphere was and loved being with my family!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

breakfast anyone?

Bacon and eggs anyone? my kids were excited when i told them bacon !!! and then i wanted pancakes... so i made eggs and bacon out of pancakes and that was all inspired by a blog about pancakes!

yummy, then i just really got into it!i made....

a turtle.. which was so adorable and of course delicious!

And my little one wanted a flower... so I made it! and now its like 11 am and my kitchen is a desaster.... off to cleaning!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

melt down!

OK, i watched the lovely bones the movie last night, and I cried my eyes out! right after the movie i went and kissed my 7 year-old that was sound asleep told her i loved her and she replied "me too" in her sleep:)
I mean as parents we love our kids so much! It just made me so much more aware of how we have to be careful with ..sad to say but almost everyone! I live in Los angeles area and even though i am in the safest county, there is always those wachos!I remember wheni was little i just would take off in the morning on my bike and would come back only when i was hungry!Yes..i lived in town so i guess my mom felt that i was pretty safe.Here.... NO ONE let there kids go off like that anymore!so sad... and we find ourself entertaining our children (which is great spending time with them) but on the other hand "I" feel sometimes that they lack the opportunity to be kids and explore and therefore prove to us at the same time that they can be thrusworthy in doing these little adventure!
I started thinking way too much!Sometimes i want to move aaway from the rat race, the superficial and all that stuff to have in exchange more rural sourroundings form my kiddos.Sunny California is wonderful and has so much to offer! but like in the scriptures.... each thing has its opposite:)

Thats my favorite age btw!3years old... that smile is just melting my heart!