our family 2010

our family 2010

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Random post

Do you see what iam holding?no its not a snowball, its not ice cream its mozzarella cheese that i made myself!I went creazy that day, i made yogurt,mozzarella and ricotta cheese!I just wanted to learn how!
Ok i love this shot and i just needed to post it!Natalia is just so good !

Christan's 4th birthday

His first video game1 its like a Wii and he absolutly loves it!
And now he is going to blow the candle! I could not find any other candle than that big fat one!If you look closely on the cake the name written are,,Christian,Robyn,Joey,Aira,Carie,Ian and Charlie and Sarah!

Now here we are at disneyland! celebrating with the $60 gift that disney gave us!Christian got Prince Phillip sword and shield, he also got a second sword(really shiny..like a real one) and of course he got introduce to Star was and got a light saber!

Well this picture is after he ate his cottoncandy!

And that one before!!That day was the yes day... that means anything he wanted he got(candy wise..)He got the hang of it pretty quickly!That included the cottoncandy,frozen lemonade a huge lollipop,a caramel apple and i am going to stop there!

Christian new hair cut!

Yes my handsome boy got a major haircut!I cut the mop off!No more beach bun look!WE love it he loves it and he........is really handsome!

Indiana Robertson at the beach!

Thats right , our dog's name is Indiana bella robertson my kids named her !She is 8 months(i think)and she has come a long way she used to drive me creazy but now that she is a little older i can handle it a littlt better,Also the fact that she stays outside and that Jared built her a dog run its much better!
Aynyway we discover this doggy beach and we love taking her there, she loves jumping in the water and making friends!Its really a place that she loves and that we loves taking her!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy birthday Sarah!

Just a happy birthday wish from our family! how old are you?Have a great day and evening!Christian birthday is tomorrow,we'll be at disney all day stuffing our faces with cotton candy!love you bye!