our family 2010

our family 2010

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Jared cleaning!

Ok i would of like putting a picture of jared up like that but i don't think he would of been down for it:) So I hope that this is not offensive to anyone!But I am just so stoked that 10 years later(actually 10 on wednesday)JAred Has cleaned a bathroom in our home!!!!And he said he will make that a weekly thing, EVERY SATURDAY!!! wow... not used ot that but hey...I'll take it! He has been so helpful in the last few weeks, I love it and what a turn on...hi!hi! Actually when i saw him scrubbing the song from Marvin Gaye "Let's get it on" was going thru my head!lol.Anyway... I was just in disbelief to see him scrubbing the tub, toilet cleaning mirror and vanity and all that!Also wheni left that same morning he did the dishes and had the kids pick up their stuff!anyway, big thank you to Jared that does not read this blog ever( maybe one day he will) so i say thank you! and by the wayI think that jared is way hotter than that dude that I put up there but thats all I could find!!
Have a great day!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

A day at the happiest place on earth!

HUmmmmmmmm... who is this really handsome stud there!!!!I'll i know is that he didn't leave me all day long!!lucky me!
Now here is jared with Eve, we wnjoyes dinner at the Blue Bayou restaurant at disney, Chtistian was happy to see the pirates ride going behind us, what a cool place to be.And yes i had a Monte Cristo!

I don't know why i look so fat on that picture but oh well... posting it anyway!

Jared in autopia ...aahahah.... the only place where he follows the speed limit!

here is the famous manahorne(i have no idea how to spell it and i am too lazy to look it up now)

and again....

my 2 boys,they are just so cute!

me and Natalia in the tram, I don't know why she was crabby!

Kissing my boy!

Monday, February 15, 2010


Well this is a long post loaded with pictures from my trip to canada, from friends to family!!!
So here we start with my friend Olivier Carter who so nicely offered me a ride to my bro from the airport,Last time I had seen him was 15 years ago!!!Creazy stuff!He is now married and has 2 beautiful little girls. And he still has an amazing smile!It was very nice to see him again I just hope to see him before another 15!Thanks Oli!

Here is Claudia, i grew up with her and i love her dearly!!!Actually when I saw her this weekend(after 12 years!!!)
i hug her and yes... cried!!could not help myself!In fact I cried a lot this weekend!Too much good stuff!
Here are some of my brothers they are Fun good looking and so loving to me! I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!
In order their names are Joel Carl et Carol and me.... i don't know what was wrong with my hair that day...oh well:)

Here is my awsome nephew Maverick he is just .....you know... i just want to eat him up...YUM!

And here is Kyrie-Anne my nice.... and i cannot wait to have her play with eve!!!I see so much of my father in her!

Hmmmm Carol!!!! i love ya bro!And yes next time i will go sleep at your house!!!

My UBER gorgeous sister in law MArie-josee!!!she is so genuine and blunt! gosh i love everything about her!

My other bro Carl who is absolutly looking sassy with his bald head !He is rocking it better than Bruce willis....So now you know i dig bald heads:) thats why i like Jared military picture so much!!!Shaved head are great!

And that is his son Benjamin! cutest cheeks ever!

Here is Sarah my other sister in law married to Carl she is pregnant with her second and i assured her that her baby will be beautiful because the Gilberts just don't make anything ugly:)

Natalieve is Joel's girlfriend(i love her name!!!)I just want to thank her for all the fun i had with her while watching the Olympics(cause we had some serious laugh) and also for being so loving to my nephews!!

Marc-Olivier was my first nephew ever!I remember helping his mom during her labor and then holding him...i swear... he was the sweetest baby ever(after mine of course :) HE is a good example to his little brothers and Dude please keep combing your hair LOl.... he knows what i mean...inside joke sorry...
LAurent is this sweet sensitive boy that i cannot get enough , when he smiles at me i just cannot say no!I mean i look at those eyes!!!

And now Phillou aka Jean-Philipe
this kids has combed my hair all weekend long!I guess he loves my hair:) HE snuggled with me every minute he had!Smart boy i am the one that benefited of that:)

And last is Joel... I love to visit him i have gone every year in the last 4 years and I intent to keep doing it!
I would love to live closer to him as well as the rest of everyone on here!!!I love spending time with him , he teases me like no one does and i can handle it!I love you and i know you know that!you are an awsome dad if I may add!
So I had poutine twice , i watched avatar in french( will have to do it again in english though...)I laughed, i got sick to my ears and stomac , I enjoyed finding my roots again,I cried, I played, I used french words that i had not used in forever, I got to see some awsome good looking people and i just want to say THANK YOU for making this weekend happen for me! I love you and give you a huge hug to all!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Party at great grandma's house!

Me all done getting ready to go!
talia receiving some presents!

And of course The biggest cupcake ever has to be eaten by my child!

This is what happens when Christian eats ice cream and cannot found a spoon!yes i know disturbing!

taking pictures with my girl! Notice what her t-shirts says?AHAH!If you find one that says my sons drives me creazy let me know!

And that one is my favorite, i said ok 123 cheese.. and ... somehow... it didn't work out:)Only afterward i found out that eve was choking Natalia:)