our family 2010

our family 2010

Friday, August 28, 2009

For my mom and dad

ok,maman et papa j'ai d'autre photo mais je voulais vous montrez celle la!
ce sera a vous de decider

laquelle vous voulez


vous etes bienvenue!

Twilight scene?


Are you sick yet>well here are some of me and jared and funny ones from the kids!

Now my problem is which picture should i choose to put on my wall?too many!i think i'll make an album!


My totally handsome hubby.....yeah....just grrrrrrrrr......

I have some more of him that my dad has not sent me yet, i have seen them and they are awsome!

one more that i like sarah

i like tha one too sarah but i jus wished i would of done my eyebrows!!!!!!!!!!!anyway i'll sho you more next time you come!

me(anser to sarah's request)

i am just gald that i'll have good pictures of myslef for jared to look at when i am really old!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Mon petit bonhomme

Now here is Christian
he wants to be just like his daddy

genuine smile

and his "trouble maker"smile

ma petite Natalia

SO this is Natalia's turn to show off her modeling talents!
loving her mommy

just smiling away


French is in her blood!

I mean.... this is priceless!
i am so glad we took those picures before more teeth fell out!

love it!

absolutly gorgeous! of course!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Cousin sleepover are the best! Boy Heaven

I had a hard time breaking these two apart! Even with Noah being sick, there was no way he was going back to his mommy(sorry Sarah)just too much fun!They played outside, on the trampoline,
Then they came in and dressed up as knights,Jedi(we taught noah what was a jedi...he likes it) and then we had dinner, they took a bath together,

We baked cookies while trying to watch Walle.... but they didn't they were still in jedi mode!

And then bed time came, Noah was a lot more tired then Christian because of his fever but they just chatted, laughed( a lot... i mean....i was worry when they were taking there breath from laughing!) and played blocks while sleeping because Noah told me that he sleeps with his eyes open...very clever boy!They had swim together today and yesterday and the day before and all his playing with i am telling you no fighting whatsoever, they were kind even when they had a toy ot a blue cup especially to share!AMAZING!

They are great together and i truly hope that their friendship will continue to grow as well as they get older!I love you Christian, you are a great cousin and i love you Noah you are a great cousin!
ps: notice their coloring? i had a kickout of that while i was bathing them!

Don't I look fabulous?

Yes, Rollers....i mean it was so painful to roll these on... but the final product was awsome, i just thought i looked funny so and also Eve dared me to post these on!
I did i babe!

fun weekend

So my parents watched our kids from friday at 4pm to sunday 6 pm and it was great we relaxed and did nothing that we usualy do.We ate and sleep and drove on the coast, i didn;t even take pictures because....it was too much work for me! Where we were, there was a hot air balloon festival and that was very cool! other than that i just read in the morning(i never get to do that!) and it was great , thanks mom and dad!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Tonya my friend posted this on facebook and i just thought it was hilarious!what do you think?